Production company
Our production cycle
Acceptance of raw materials
Quality control and origin labelling
Shock freezing
Mechanical cleaning and electronic sorting
Visual quality examination and grading
Packing, registration, quality and origin labelling
Checking products with metal detector
Cold storage
About the company

ZAGOTPROM is a Russian food company specializing in the harvesting, electronic cleaning, and processing of wild berries in the Republic of Karelia.

Berry products of our company are of a worthy quality. We care about the preservation of vitamins and useful substances, for example, anthocyanins in bilberries or organic acids in cloudberries. We achieve this result thanks to shock freezing and high-precision electronic control of the product treatment process.

Over 20 years on the Russian and international markets
Russian client network from Murmansk to Tomsk
Foreign client from Sweden to Japan

Karelia is a unique region of Northern Europe. There are large territories of ecologically clean forests where the northern berries - cloudberries, bilberries, lingonberries, cranberries – grow. Reserved Karelian nature endows berries with all useful properties.

In Karelia berries hand-picking traditions are preserved since ancient times. Our republic is a leader in wild berries harvesting in Russia.

85% Forests

Most Karelian territory is covered with forests: 148 000 km² or 85% of total area. The total forests reserves of all categories and age constitute 807 000 000 m³.

10% Lakes and rivers

Karelia has over 60 000 lakes and swamps that contain about 2 000 km³ of high-quality fresh water.

5% Urban settlements

Towns and villages are situated in a good environment.

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